Neck Pain
Getting regular massage treatments in conjunction with chiropractic care can significantly decrease your neck pain and stiffness. We can target the ‘knots’ and other build-ups in your neck specific to the probable cause.
If you have a desk job or have chronic poor posture from looking at screens, there is a high likelihood that your neck pain is caused by fibrotic tissue or ‘scar tissue’ build-up. This build-up is due to microtrauma caused by stress and/or poor posture. Chiropractic treatment is designed to naturally correct neck issues. This process is considered an alternative treatment form and is used in place of medications and surgeries.
When you come into our office for chiropractic treatment services, we will prep you for treatment. You will lie down on a special table that has been designed for this procedure. Once you’re ready, we will begin to perform various techniques that manipulate your neck and spine. We’ll also control the joints in your neck and adjust parts of your shoulder area. Our services will help your neck to find relief from the pain that you’re enduring.
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